Enter at least part of the name of the school you are Transferring From.
Select .
If you do NOT find the correct name of your school, re-enter the name and search again, or select without entering an school name to view a list of all the schools from which our school accepts transfer credits.
To view transfer information for a specific course, enter the Course Name and select .
To view a list of ALL the courses which can be transferred from the specified school, select .
Course ID |
The specified school’s Catalog ID for the course that can be transferred to our school.
Grade |
The minimum grade that students must earn for the specified course in order for our school to grant transfer credit for the course.
Name |
The number of credits that will be awarded a transfer student for completing the course with the Minimum Grade at the specified school.
If you do NOT find the correct name of your course, re-enter the course name, or leave the course name blank, and search again.